






1) 培養(yǎng)學生“聽”、“說”的技能

2) 能夠在購物時正確使用英語





Part One: Pre-listening

T: Today let’s talk about pocket money、Do you have pocket money? How do you spend your pocket money? How about our friends Daniel, Simon, Sandy and Millie? How do they spend their pocket money? Let’s guess.

Part Two: While-listening

1、Listen and finish Part A.

T: Please listen to the tape and finish Part A on page 84、Let’s check the answers.

2、Listen and fill in the blanks.

T: After listening, please fill in the blanks.

3、Listen and write.

T: Simon often spends money on football cards、What else does he like to buy?

Ss: CDs, sports shoes, stationery and T-shirts.

T: How often does he buy CDs?

Ss: Sometimes.

T: How often does he buy sports shoes, stationery and T-shirts? Please listen and answer.

Ss: …

Do poor children spend pocket money like Simon?

Ss: No.

T: Please look at the table on page 84、How often do poor children buy CDs?

Ss: Never.

T: How often do they buy sports shoes, stationery and T-shirts? Please listen again and write down the answers.


Part Three: Post-listening

T: Please read the advertisement on page 84 and complete the letter on page 85、Let’s read this letter together.

Part Four: Speak up

1、Listen and answer.

T: We know Simon always spends his pocket money on football boots、Today he wants to buy a new pair、How much are the football boots? Please listen and think about this question.

Ss: …

2、Read and answer.

T: Please read after the tape and think about these questions.

Ss: …

1、Read it in groups.

2、Do an activity.

T: Suppose you’d like to buy other things、Please work in groups of three and talk about the things in Part C2 on page 85、Use the dialogue in Part C1 as a model.


1 Read the dialogue on page 85.

2 Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese sentences.


(S: shopkeeper W: Wang Lan)

S: Hello! ____________________?

W: Hello! I’d like to _______________.

S: What size do you wear?

W: _____________、I like this pair、Could I _____________, please?

S: Of course.

W: Oh, this one is a little smaller for me.

S: What about this pair? It’s a size 26.

W: Let me try、Well, they _____________、______________?

S: They’re 90 yuan.

W: It’s quite dear、_____________________?

S: The jeans are nice、Well, I’ll give you ten percent discount on the price of the goods.

W: OK, _______________、Here’s the money.

S: Thank you、Goodbye.



Unit 5 Part 1



1、用兩個句型表達抱怨某事、某人的方法 。





1、 enough修飾形容詞或副詞時必須位于被修飾的詞語之后。修飾名詞時一般位于其前,也可位于其后。enough后面通常接不定式短語或介詞for短語。

e.g、The question is easy enough.

Tom didn’t do his homework carefully enough.

The water is cool enough to drink.

We have enough tickets for all of you.


e.g He is not careful enough to do the work.

She is not old enough to go to school.


e.g、There were not enough people to pick the apples.


e.g、We have enough to do to complete the project.


too+形容詞或副詞+(for sb.)+to do 表示“太……以至于不能……”,不定式雖然是肯定形式,但與前面的搭配構成了否定的含義。

e.g、The book is too difficult for you to read.

She is too short to catch the apples on the tree.


e.g It’s never too old to learn.



1、a bit, really

(1) These trousers are tight.

(2) I’m sorry.

2、rather, at all

(1) She fell and hurt her leg badly.

(2) They are not friendly to me .

3、a little, extremely

(1) She is absent-minded.

(2) Mary found it difficult to get a job.


(1)rather, a bit, a little 可減輕形容詞的絕對性。

(2)really, extremely, quite 可起到強化形容詞的作用。

(3)at all用于否定句加強語氣。



seem +(to be )+表語 seem +to+v、It seems+(that)從句

e.g、It seems that I can’t win.


They don’t seem to like him.

They seem not to like him.

seem 與look

seem 暗示有一定根據的判斷,這種判斷往往接近事實。

look 著重由視覺得出的印象。

例 There to be no need to go now.

A、seems B、looks C、is D、are

2、until 直到……為止


e.g、I shal l stay here until next Sunday.


e.g、He didn’t come until late in the night.

例 I knew nothing about it my friend told me yesterday.

A、because B、since C、until D、so

3、Do you find it easy to deal with plans that change?

find it easy to deal with …中的it在句中做形式賓語,其真正賓語是后面的動詞不定式短語。

e.g、They found it hard to walk there.

例 I find difficult to learn English well.

A、it B、that C、this D、them



e.g、Tom feels lonely every day.


e.g、He liv es in a lonely village.

alone 獨自的,單獨的,在句中常作表語。lonely帶有強烈的情感色彩,表示因缺少朋友、友誼而產生的一種悲傷和憂郁的感情;而alone只是陳述一個事實,表示一個人。

e.g、He was alone in the room.

I was alone, but I don’t feel lonely.

The children often come to see Grandpa Zhang, so he doesn’t feel .

A、alone B、lonely C、happy D、happily




The river is to swim.


There are many things for us remem ber.


There is for everyone in the dining hall.


He is to lend you money.


has been said on this topic.

II、用too … to …與not … enough …改寫同義句

1、He is too late to catch up with the early bus.


2、The question is too difficult to answer.


3、The children aren’t old enough to see that horror movie.


4、The car isn’t cheap enough for us to buy.


