



1. science n. 科學 (scientist n. 科學家)

2. description n. 描述, 記述 v. describe

3. city n. 城市 cities (復數(shù))

4. next adv. 接下來 (first 首先 then 然后 next 接下來 finally 最后)

5. tired adj. (人) 疲倦的, 累的 tiring (人或物)令人疲倦的, 累的


1. my favorite subject 我最喜歡的科目

2. have biology 上生物課=have a biology lesson/class)

have art 上美術課=have an art lesson/ class

3. be so boring 如此無聊

be really interesting 真的很有趣

be such fun 如此有趣(such修飾名詞fun)

4. TV shows 電視節(jié)目

5. my dad’s favorite sport 我爸爸最喜歡的運動

6. be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth.忙于某事或做某事

7. ask sb. about sth 就某事詢問某人

8. study at school 在學校學習

9. be busy with sth=be busy doing sth 忙于做。。。

10. after lunch 午飯后

11. my/the last class 我的/最后一節(jié)課

12. for two hours 持續(xù)兩小時

13. be strict with sb. in sth. 在某方面對某人要求嚴格

14. after class 下課后

15. have Chinese history club 參加中國歷史俱樂部

16. play with sb./ sth. 和……一塊兒玩兒

17. run around with sb 和……到處跑

18. the last one to come 最后一個到達的人

19. last week 上周 last year去年 last night 昨晚

20. be late for 遲到

21. have a rest 休息一下 have a swim游泳

have a try嘗試一下 have a good idea 有個好主意 have a good time=have fun + doing 玩得開心

22. ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

23. look around 四處看看 walk around 到處走走

24. do some washing/cooking/shopping洗衣服/做飯/購物

III. Sentences

1. --你最喜歡的科目是什么?--我最喜歡的科目是科學

--What’s your favorite subject?=What subject do you like best?

--My favorite subject is science.= I like science best.

2. 為什么你喜歡體育課?因為它很有趣。

Why do you like PE? Because it’s fun.

3. 我最喜歡的科目是音樂?你呢?My favorite subject is music? What is yours?

4. (今天)星期二,我要上生物課。It’s Tuesday and I have biology.

5. 我喜歡星期五因為(周五)我們要上歷史課。I love Friday because we have history in the morning.(主從句不分家)

6. 今天下午我要上科學課。I have a science class this afternoon.

7. --她為什么不喜歡數(shù)學?--因為她覺得太難了。--Why doesn’t she like math? --Because she thinks it’s very difficult.

8. --你的美術老師是誰?---是瓊斯太太。--Who is your art teacher? –It’s Mrs. Jones.

9. --你媽媽最喜歡的顏色是什么?--是藍色。--What’s your mother’s favorite color?—Her favorite color is blue.

10. --你們什么時候有數(shù)學課?--我們星期一、星期三和星期五都有數(shù)學課。

--When do you have math? --We have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

11. 肯最喜歡的科目是什么? --科學課。--What’s Ken’s favorite subject?—It’s science.

12. 今天是星期二,11月11日。我真的很忙!It’s Tuesday, November 11th. I am really busy!

13. 它很難但很有趣。It’s difficult, but interesting.

14. 然后在早上九點鐘,我們上科學課。Then at 9:00 am, we have science.

15. 吃完午飯后,我們打兩個小時的排球。After lunch, we play volleyball for two hours.

16. 我們的老師對我們很嚴格,每次課后我們都很累。Our teacher is strict with us. We are all tired after class.

17. 我不喜歡任何的科目。我只喜歡籃球。I don’t like any subject. I like basketball only(I only like basketball).

18. 我喜歡和我的狗,Nick玩兒。I like to play with my dog, Nick.

19. 但他所謂的科目只是隨我隨便跑跑而已。But his “subject” is only running(to run) around with me.


1. 你為什么遲到?因為我起床晚了。Why are you late? Because I get up late.

2. 因為我病了所以不能去上學。I can’t go to school because I am ill.

3. 誰有尺子? Who has a ruler?

4. 你常給誰寫信? Who(m) do you often write to ?

5. 我們每天上午7點上英語課。We have English at 7:00 every morning.

6. 他們一周上兩節(jié)體育課。They have two P.E lessons in a week.

7. 學生忙于各種各樣的考試。Students are busy with all kinds of exams.

8. 史密斯先生每天忙于他的工作。Mr. Smith is busy with his work every day.= Mr. Smith is busy doing his work every day.

9. 我下個月想去北京。 I want to go to Beijing next month.

10. 我認為他們是嚴厲的父母。I think they are strict parents.

11. 她對學Ui生要求很嚴格。 She is very strict with her pupils.

12. 我們應該對自己嚴格要求。We should be strict ourselves in study.

13. 我工作了一天了,我很累。I work all day and I am tired.

14. 我能問你一個問題嗎? Can I ask you a question?

15. 老師叫我為我班同學唱歌。The teacher asks me to sing a song for my classmates.

IV. Functions and Topics: 談論對學校的科目的喜好及原因

V. Grammar: W-H特殊疑問句

VI. 重難考點:

1. favorite

2. busy, strict

3. 名詞所有格

